Dear Students & Parents/Guardians of Graduating Students,

End of Year Chromebook/Account procedures for Students not returning in September.  If you are a graduating Ghost or a student moving away from GCI please pay attention to the following:

1.  Graduating and students leaving the WRDSB must return their Board Chromebooks to the library before the end of June 27/24 (last IS day). Accounts will be closed by the WRDSB and the Chromebook will become useless at that point. They will be collected and redistributed as needed in the Board.

If a student is moving to attend another WRDSB high school, they take their Board Chromebook with them.

2.  Student Accounts for Graduates/students leaving the WRDSB

Students leaving the WRDSB are encouraged to use a resource such as Google Takeout to transfer their Google Workspace files to a personal account before handing in their Chromebooks.

Students using OneDrive and/or the AVD should follow the Microsoft instructions on how to download files and folders