SNC1WI Science, Grade 9 This course enables students to develop their understanding of concepts related to biology, chemistry, physics, and earth and space science, and to relate science to technology, society, and the environment. Throughout the course, students will develop and refine their STEM skills as they use scientific research, scientific experimentation, and engineering design processes to investigate concepts and apply their knowledge in situations that are relevant to their lives and communities. Students will continue to develop transferable skills as they become scientifically literate global citizens.
September 2022, the new de-streamed science course will be implemented. This means that there will no longer be applied or academic courses for Grade 9 science |
SNC2DI Science, Grade 10, Academic Prerequisite: SNC1WI Units of study are cellular biology, chemical compounds, optics and climate change. |
SNC2PI Science, Grade 10, Applied Prerequisite: SNC1WI Units of study are cellular biology, chemical compounds, optics and climate change. |
SBI3CI Biology, Grade 11, College Prerequisite: SNC2DI or SNC2PI Units of study are cellular biology, genetics, anatomy and physiology of animals, and microbiology (bacteria and viruses). |
SBI3UI Biology, Grade 11, University Prerequisite: SNC2DI Units of study are biological systems including cellular functions, genetic continuity, macromolecules, internal systems and regulations, diversity of living things and anatomy, growth, and functions of plants. |
SCH3UI Chemistry, Grade 11, University Prerequisite: SNC2DI It is recommended that students also enroll in MCR3UI or MCF3MI. Units of study are atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical equations and reactions, gas laws and solutions. |
SPH3UI Physics, Grade 11, University Prerequisite: SNC2DI It is recommended that students also enroll in MCR3UI or MCF3MI. Units of study are kinematics, forces, energy and society, waves, sounds and optics, and electricity and magnetism. |
SBI4UI Biology, Grade 12, University Prerequisite: SBI3UI Units of study include homeostasis, molecular genetics, evolution, population dynamics and metabolic processes. Current issues in health-related topics and laboratory study will be emphasized. |
SCH4CI Chemistry, Grade 12, College Prerequisite: SNC2DI or SNC2PI Units of study include chemical reactions, organic chemistry, electrochemistry, chemical calculations, and chemistry in the environment. |
SCH4UI Chemistry, Grade 12, University Prerequisite: SCH3UI Units of study include organic chemistry, energy changes and rates of reaction, chemical systems and equilibrium, electrochemistry, atomic and molecular structure. |
SES4UI Earth & Space Science, Grade 12, University Prerequisite: SNC2DI Units of study include the philosophy of science, planetary and stellar formation, and earth dynamics including earthquakes and volcanoes, and earth’s history. This course includes an optional backcountry-backpacking wilderness trip with a cost of approximately $100. |
SPH4CI Physics, Grade 12, College Prerequisite: SNC2DI or SNC2PI Units of study are mechanical systems, motion and its applications, electricity, hydraulics and pneumatics, and energy transformations. College level physics is activity and project-based and requires less mathematics than university physics. |
SPH4UI Physics, Grade 12, University Prerequisite: SPH3UI Units of study are vector kinematics and dynamics (including circular and projectile motion), momentum and energy, electromagnetism, the wave nature of light and matter – energy interface. This course will prepare students for university science/math programs. |