
Today at OFSSA in Toronto, Nicole Smith made it to the 100m finals.  To do this she had to run a personal best and smashed a 21 year old record at our school with a time of 12:26 seconds.  We wish her all the best in the finals later this afternoon!

Ryan’s Law

Earlier this year, Ryan’s Law regarding asthma management came into effect.  If you are a student with asthma or the parent/guardian of a child with asthma, for further information please see the link below Ryan’s law

Thursday June 11th Arts Evening

On Thursday, June 11th at 7 pm, the Music, Drama, and Visual Art Departments are holding their annual Arts evening in Tassie Hall. Students and parents are invited to celebrate GCI’s vibrant art scene and honour the students that have made a mark upon our school. Admission is $2 at the door.

Pan Am Games Torch Relay

Have your say in the 2015-16 Budget Process!

How can you give input? Appear as a delegation at the June 10, 2015 Special Committee of the Whole Meeting. If you would like to appear as a delegation, you must register with the Manager of Corporate Services by noon on Thursday, June 4 2015. More information on delegation procedures and how to register is […]

Transportation details for the 2015 – 2016

Transportation details for the 2015 – 2016 school year will be available on Monday August 24, 2015. Parents can login and view your child’s transportation details by going to and following these easy steps: Click on “Student Login” Click on “Student Login” again (near the bottom of the page) Enter your child’s Ontario Education […]

Due date for Library Books

Library Books are due Tuesday, June 2nd.  All students should  return their books by this date.

Update on Administration of Grades 3, 6 & 9 EQAO Assessments

The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) notified the WRDSB that they will not be sending the Grade 3 and 6 Reading, Writing and Mathematics assessment materials to any boards currently affected by labour action. As a result, no WRDSB students in Grades 3 and 6 will participate in the EQAO assessment this year, until […]

June Exams

Final Exams Wednesday June 18th – Wednesday June 24th

Paralympic Schools Week 2015 resources now available

This message is on behalf of the Canadian Paralympic Committee. — OTTAWA – Feb. 26, 2015 – The Canadian Paralympic Committee, in partnership with Petro-Canada, is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2015 edition of Paralympic Schools Week, which will be held nation-wide from May 4 to 8, 2015. All schools […]

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