Academic/University path requires an average of 70% or higher for success.


Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 9

This course enables students to develop an understanding of mathematical concepts related to algebra, proportional reasoning, analytic geometry, and measurement and geometry through the effective use of technology and abstract reasoning. Students will investigate relationships and real-life examples which they will then generalize as equations of lines and will determine the connections between different representations of a relationship. They will also explore relationships that emerge from the measurement of three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional shapes. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multistep problems.


In the summer of 2020, the Ministry of Education announced a new Grade 9 math course which will be the compulsory Grade 9 math course in all Ontario schools effective September 2021. As details become available, we will share with our community, including the implications for our school designated programs and magnet programs. This new curriculum will be a continuation of the grade 8 curriculum. 


Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic

Prerequisite: MTH1WI

This course focuses on quadratic functions and equations, linear systems of equations and trigonometry. A minimum of 70% in MTH1WI is recommended.


Mathematics Preparation/Discovering the Workplace

Recommended after grade 9 mathematics

GLD2O is designed to help students deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts that will be important for their learning when transitioning between MTH1W and MPM2D, while gaining necessary tools and skills for the workplace of tomorrow. Through integrated activities related to career exploration, experiential learning, and entrepreneurship, students will have an opportunity to improve their understanding of foundational mathematical concepts and skills. This course will be an interactive and engaging experience to help students gain transferable skills for continued learning and work.


Mathematics for Work & Everyday Life, Grade 11, Workplace

Prerequisite: MTH1WI

This course focuses on the financial math associated with earning and purchasing, saving, investing and borrowing, and transportation and travel.


Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 11, College

Prerequisite: MFM2PI

This course focuses on probability, one-variable statistics, financial math, quadratic functions and equations and trigonometry. MPM2DI or over 70% in MFM2PI is recommended.


Functions & Applications, Grade 11, University or College

Prerequisite: MPM2DI or MBF3CI

This course focuses on trigonometry, quadratic, trigonometric, and exponential functions, quadratic equations and compound interest. MPM2DI is preferred.


Functions, Grade 11, University

Prerequisite: MPM2DI

This course focuses on rational expressions, trigonometry, sequences and series, and quadratic and exponential functions. Over 70% in MPM2DI is recommended.  If MPM2DI mark is less than 70%, taking MCF3MI before MCR3UI is recommended.


Math for Work & Everyday Living, Grade 12, Workplace

Prerequisite: MEL3EI

This course focuses on the financial math associated with household budgeting, taxation, and accommodation.


Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 12, College

Prerequisite: MBF3CI, MCF3MI or MCR3UI

This course applies mathematics to solve financial problems related to budgets and renting or owning accommodation, to solve problems related to geometry and trigonometry and uses statistical methods to analyze data. Over 60% in MBF3CI is recommended.


Math for College Technology, Grade 12, College

Prerequisite: MCF3MI or MCR3UI

This course focuses on exponential, trigonometric, and polynomial functions, polynomial equations, geometry and vectors.


Math of Data Management, Grade 12, University

Prerequisite: MCR3UI or MCF3MI

This course focuses on permutations, combinations, probability, matrices, distributions, 1- and 2- variable statistics.


Advanced Functions, Grade 12, University

Prerequisite: MCR3UI

This course focuses on polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions and their related equations and inequalities.


Calculus & Vectors, Grade 12, University

Prerequisite: MHF4UI

This course focuses on finding, evaluating and applications of the derivative of polynomial, rational trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions.  In the vectors portion of the course, students will examine the properties of vectors, will model lines and planes using vectors and examine their intersections.